February 2025

Dear DOZ friends,

A brand new year is here! Don't know about you, but I am so excited to see what God has in store for us in this upcoming new year

Dear DOZ friends,

A brand new year is here! Don't know about you, but I am so excited to see what God has in store for us in this upcoming new year. Praying and sitting before the Lord, my spirit heard, “forget not all My Covenant benefits!” Pondering this, I am reminded of all the Covenant benefits that are available to us and I had to ask myself, am I walking in all of my Covenant benefits?

I was reminded of a story about a man that lived in England in the early 1900’s and he wanted to come to America. He saved for years to have the money for his passage but that was all he had been able to save. Finally, the time had come, and he bought his ticket. He knew that he didn’t have the money to buy food in the restaurant on the ship, so he stayed in his cabin and just had crackers and cheese for his meals. Day in and day out, breakfast lunch and dinner, he ate his meager food. Finally, on the day that the ship docked, the steward saw him and remarked that they had missed seeing him in the dining room each day and regretted that he had missed all the wonderful meals. To this the man replied that he only had money for just his ticket and not for meals on the ship. The steward was totally shocked! He said to the man, “Sir, your meals were a part of your fare, included in your ticket”. He had missed out on the blessing of the wonderful meals because he didn’t know what was available to him!

Child of God, I wonder if we are truly walking in all the benefits that are available to us through our Covenant with God. Our wonderful New Covenant provides for us, provision, peace, health, hope, love, favor, endless blessing, just to name a few. We don't want to be like the man on the ship, missing our blessings because we don't know what is available to us. This year let's make a decision to spend time with the Lord, studying His Word and allow Him to teach us about our Covenant benefits and how to apply them in our everyday lives.

I would like to say thank you for your faithfulness to DOZ. It is because of your generous gifts that we have been able to continue the work that the Lord has called us to do. On the back you will see a letter regarding our Honduran kids’ school tuition. Please pray about it and just know that any amount will bless a child and enable them to have a better life.

I pray that God will continue to pour out His richest blessings on you!

I love you,

Scripture references: Hebrews 9:15, Hebrews 8:7-13, Galations 3:26-29, Hebrews 7:21-22, Isaiah 54:10

School tuition for Honduras Kids

It is that time of year when we put our kids back to school in Honduras. As you know, these kids live in extreme poverty and can only go through 5th grade paid for by the government. They want so badly to get a High School education. A High School education will enable them to get a job and have a better life, but they need our help! I don’t believe any child should be denied the right to have a better life and as long as God enables us to help them, we will. I am asking that you prayerfully consider sponsoring one or more kids to go to school and help us to help them. I pray that God will bless you 100 fold for the seed that you will sow and that you will prosper in all that you do! God bless you!

Here is a break down on the cost per student for a school year: 30 students @ $307.00 each (Please mark your donation ‘Tuition’)

Our very first kindergarten class

Our very first graduating class Class of 2017

Class of 2024

Samuel and Sulema receiving their graduation gifts

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