November 2023

Dear DOZ friends,

It has been awhile since my last newsletter, and I pray that you are well and enjoying the goodness of the Lord.

As I reflect over the challenging events in our World and even in our personal lives, I am reminded the Word of God prewarned us about these times that we are now facing. These difficult and challenging times will bring us to that place where we depend solely on our Heavenly Father to help us get through and enjoy our journey. I love the scripture that says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.” (PS 46:1). I have personally reminded myself of this scripture, to get through even daily challenges. God is SO Faithful to always be there for us!

I recalled a time when I had to make a small road trip of 120 miles. On my return trip home, I encountered a very severe storm. It went from clear skies to black dark clouds and heavy rain like I had never experienced. It was a two-lane highway and not the best road conditions. The rain was coming down so hard that I could barely see the road in front of me. I was inching my way down the highway trying to see the line on the road and only able to see just in front of my headlights. Needless to say, I was talking to the Lord! What do I do? Should I pull off and wait for the storm to pass or should I keep going, creeping along? If I pull off, a car could miss seeing me and hit me. Crying out to God, I heard…Keep Going! It was several miles of this intense rainstorm and then, suddenly, I drove out of the storm!!! All of a sudden clear blue skies, no rain, not a cloud in the sky and perfectly calm beautiful weather!! Shocked and totally surprised, I could not believe what I had just experienced. Then the Lord began to speak to me. Our lives are like that. When the storms of life come, we have a choice. We can stop in the midst of our storm, trying to work things out in our own strength and ability, focusing on the problem instead of the problem solver. We can also choose to keep going inch by inch, day by day, trusting the Lord for each day. When all of a sudden one day, we look up and we have made it through. That storm has passed and it's smooth sailing ahead. We now have a testimony to help others that are going through the storms of life. We can have empathy for them because we have been there! So, whatever your storm is right now, don't give up! Keep moving forward and trust your Heavenly Father for He will guide you and get you through to the other side!

God truly is your ever-present help in time of trouble and He cares about every little thing that pertains to your life. He loves you SO much and you are never alone!

I pray God pours out His richest blessings over you and that you will enjoy the journey He has set before you.

I love you,

Feeding the elderly.
Our students in school.
El Rosario Weekly Feeding Program and Bible School

This is a new children's ministry in Siguatepeque. However, they are meeting under a tree by a mud puddle! I am believing in God to help us build them a small building for their weekly meetings.

Bienvenidos La Lglesia Puente de Vida (Welcome The Bridge of Life Church)

The people at the top of the mountain in Comayagua built this little church so they would have a place to go and worship the Lord! It is a very poor community and they gave out of their own need, sacrificing to build it. They gave their best! I know this must bless the Father's heart to see such great love for Him! When I see this little church, it brings me to tears, knowing that they have so little but yet, they gave so much! I look forward to going there and worshiping our precious Lord with them!

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