September 2024

Dear DOZ friends,

Hope this newsletter finds you well and enduring the hot summer temperatures. As I have gotten older, I have noticed that the hot temperatures seem to drain my energy and staying indoors seems to agree with me more and more! So much for those bronze glowing tans that use to be a priority, now I’m good with being pasty white and cool! So thankful that cooler temperatures are just around the corner.

I was recently reading an article about the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf is filled with these oil rigs and when a hurricane takes aim on the area, all focus turns to anchoring and securing the rigs. It becomes a major undertaking. Many man hours go into making sure they are well prepared for the storm ahead. My question to you is this, when storms of life approach or even make landfall, where do you anchor your rig, or anchor your heart? If our hearts are not secured, they can be wrecked or swept away when storms rush through. The only safe and secure place to anchor the human heart is to God and His Word.

In Exodus 3:14, God tells Moses His name is “I AM WHO I AM.” Did you get that? Not, I was, or I will be, but "I AM.” God is ever present, constant, never changing and faithful. You and I can therefore be confident that when we anchor our hearts to His heart, we can stand up to any storm.

God is SO faithful to look over His Word to perform it for His children. He is our ever-present help in times of trouble. No matter what the storms of life throw at us, He’s got us in the palm of His hand!

We have just returned from a short trip to Honduras and I am pleased to say, God is still moving among the people of Honduras. We have 50 kids in school getting an education, thanks to many of you. These kids are so grateful to have the opportunity to have a better life and help with their struggling families. Without this education, many would end up on the streets trying to raise money to feed themselves and just make it through the day! Poverty is the only life they have ever known. Now, with an education they have an opportunity to have a better life and hope for a better future. Thank you to those who have helped to make this possible for these precious kids. Great will be your reward one day!

I am so thankful for you and your continued support.

Praying God's richest blessings over you!

I love you,

Pictures of our students over the years

Our very first class in 2013

Cosmetology school

Our first nursing school graduate

Culinary school

Our first graduating class

Our first girl to graduate with her teaching degree

Class of 2022

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