January Newsletter 2023

Hello DOZ friends and Happy New Year,
I pray that this newsletter finds you well and anticipating all the wonderful things that God has in store for us in 2023. As for me, I am very excited to see 2022 ending and 2023 beginning! This past year was somewhat of a challenging year for some of us,but it was also a time when we were able to witness God’s faithfulness to look over His Word to perform it for us.
As we enter this new season, I was reminded of familiar passages where the Lord said, “Get Up!” (Acts 26:16, Mark 5:41, Matthew 17:7, Mark 3:3) Just to name a few! Several times over the years the Lord has spoken the same words to me and always in a time when I was going through serious health problems. Times when my body was weak, in pain and I felt unable to move and wondering if this was perhaps the time I was going home to be with Jesus. Then, I would hear that still small voice say to me, “Get Up!” I knew that voice, it was Jesus! Being the hardest thing I had ever done, and with others telling me I couldn’t get up, I somehow found the strength to “Get Up”! I would make my body move, and as I did, I would begin to praise the Lord. Was it hard? Absolutely! But as I did, suddenly my body began to get better and symptoms began to leave and strength returned to my body. After a short time, my health was restored to the point where doctors were amazed and had no medical explanation. Only Jesus!! Praise the Lord!!
Now, let me ask you a question. What if I hadn’t been obedient to “Get Up”? Honestly, I might not be here today writing this newsletter. So, what am I saying? Sometimes when hard times come, and the Word tells us they will come (John 16:33) we just have to make a quality decision to “Get Up”. No matter how hard it is or how much it hurts, we must trust the Lord and be obedient and “Get Up.” I have personally witnessed that this act of obedience is the very thing that will save you from whatever you are going through. God is faithful and as you “Get Up” He has promised to look over His Word to perform it for you. So, I am in complete agreement with you that whatever you’re going through, when you “Get Up”, God will take care of it for you! I am standing with you.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for supporting Daughters of Zion Ministries. Because of you we have been able to reach souls for the Kingdom, feed the hungry, take care of the widows and orphans, send underprivileged kids to school and so much more. Jesus said, “When you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:45
I love you and I pray God’s richest blessings over you!,
These are pictures from our latest mission trip to Honduras. We did women, children’s and dental ministry as well as visiting our sweet elderly people in the mountains. We also did an outreach in the Comayagua city square.