July Newsletter 2021

Greetings DOZ friends!
I pray that this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the wonderful benefits of the Lord. Since my last newsletter, we have had a break in covid and the restrictions on wearing a mask. Praise the Lord! Certainly the last couple of years have been extremely challenging and a time to exercise our walk of faith. Many suffered from the covid virus, and some have lost precious loved ones. Through it all, God has shown Himself to be faithful and has helped us walk through these difficult times. I pray that you will continue to walk in health. Also, know that your loved ones that have gone on, are waiting for you just on the other side.
As I am writing this newsletter, I am reminded of an old western movie that I was recently watching. (Yes, I like old westerns) In this movie I saw a sign on the jail that said “Wanted: Dead or Alive.” In many western movies you will see this sign and it usually references an alleged gun-slinging cowboy, bank robber or cattle thief. Often a sheriff’s posse is rounded up to hunt down the outlaw. If the character is already dead before the posse arrives, the posse moves on. As I thought about this, the Lord showed me that it is much like us. In our big life show today, we can consider ourselves dead to sin in our mortal bodies because we have received Christ. The enemy may be in charge of the posse coming at us, but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. He may be coming at us hot and heavy trying to bring us down, but when he finds that our old man is dead because our new man is alive in Christ, he will move on to someone who is still on the run. Romans 6:11 “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” I am so thankful to know that no matter what we go through, as a child of God we never go through it alone because God has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Just remember, child of God, He will always make a way of escape for you. He is the Way Maker!
I want to personally thank you for donating so generously to the ministry. It is because of loving people like you that we are able to do all that God has called us to do. Many lives are being affected every day because of your love for those less fortunate. I know that one day you will hear the Father say, ”Well done good and faithful servant, enter your rest.”
Praying God’s richest blessings over you!
I love you,
These are our Honduras kids being fed, physically and spiritually. They are being taught the Word of God and over the years, hundreds have come to know the Lord as their personal saviour. They are no longer walking in darkness. with no hope and in despair. Now they know that Jesus is their hope and their lives will never be the same. Thank you for helping us to share the love of Jesus with them!
“When you have done it to the least of these, You have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40
Our New Kitchen